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1、Study to be what you wish to seem、學習可成爲你所理想的人物。

2、Success belongs to the persevering、堅持就是勝利。

3、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties、成功來自於克服困難的鬥爭。

4、Success has many friends、成功者朋友多。

5、Such beginning, such ending、有怎樣的開始,就有怎樣的結束。

6、Such carpenters, such chips、什麼樣的木匠,出什麼活。

7、Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof、一天的不幸已夠人受的了,別再自尋煩惱。

8、Suit the action to the word、怎麼說就怎麼做。

9、Sure bind, sure find、捆得好,逃不了。

10、Sus// to pass、事非逆料偏易發生

59、That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember、苦楚往日難忍受,記起也許甜心頭

60、That's good wisdom which is wisdom in the end、最後的聰慧纔算真聰慧。